Rather than buying a new laptop or PC, here are 5 ways of avoiding a costly new purchase by making your existing computer run faster. Uninstall unused programs When you buy a new PC the chances are there are a load of programs pre-installed onto it. Old PCs can simply accumulate these over time. Most [...]
Within a business, the necessity to be able to communicate with every single department within your company is pretty much vital, no matter whether it employs 50 people or 5,000 people. There are plenty of ways to do this (such as e-mail and telephone) but now, more companies are pushing towards an actual Internet platform, [...]
A software update, also known as a ‘Patch’ or a ‘Service Pack’, is a piece of software released by software vendors, mainly to address security vulnerabilities in their existing products. Software updates occasionally contain bug fixes and product enhancement. Usually, these reminders to “update software” come at the most inconvenient times, and they sometimes do [...]
With work, and the ability to earn relying so much on the internet, what is the best IT set-up for your need? And more importantly, how can you save money in setting up? Here are some suggestions. Switch providers and take advantage of new customer sign up bonuses If you are unsuccessful negotiating then it [...]