When using the internet, it’s important to keep your computer secure and working properly. This will help protect both your computer and your personal information. You can help protect your computer in two main ways. The first thing you can do is to prepare your computer before you connect to the internet. The second thing [...]
In the simplest of terms, an intranet can be viewed as a centralized “virtual office” in which you and your colleagues can meet, exchange ideas/documents and collaborate on projects with one another. It’s something that could never have existed decades ago, although modern technology has made it easier than ever to incorporate an intranet into [...]
Cloud computing refers to the use of computing resources, those being hardware and/or software) that reside on a remote machine and are delivered to the end user as a service over a network, with the most prevalent example being the internet. By definition, a user entrusts his data to a remote service, on which has [...]
As businesses increasingly store confidential information and data in cloud services, the need for more complex security practices and strategies is clear. Although headlines about security breaches are more common for large companies, the threat of online crime is still very real for small businesses, where online security tends to be weaker. In the face [...]
Computers and technology allow for faster processing of data, easier retrieval of information, and in some cases – automation can reduce or replace physical employees. When people perform tasks by hand, it can be time consuming and full of human errors. When technology is used for repetitive operations, mistakes are reduced or eliminated, and the [...]