Investing in a cloud data backup service is one of the best decisions any business owner can make. A natural disaster could hit your town and destroy your systems, an employee could spill a drink on her computer and destroy it or someone could steal your equipment, but backing up data in the cloud will [...]
iPhone Battery Saving Tips Turn off iCloud Automatically backing up to iCloud can drain your battery and eat through your data allowance. It’s a useful feature for backing up precious photos, but there might be a few things being backed up that you don’t really care about or need. Take a look in Settings > [...]
1. Use it or lose it. Around 5 years ago, it was acceptable to not know what cloud technology was all about. But now, it’s time to get your head out of and into the cloud. We’ve got it and it’s time to use it! No excuses. 2. Just Ask. Once you start using a [...]
Cloud technologies can push your business’ capabilities to new levels. Every aspect of business has evolved as the cloud permeates our culture. Increasing amounts of data fuels the cloud as it grows with demand, offering you fast and innovative ways to leverage information as a competitive advantage. By understanding how cloud technology affects your business, [...]