Hopefully, by now you’re aware of the importance of backing up your devices. Most of us have probably had the experience at least once of losing data from our smartphones and unfortunately, this is often due to insufficient backing up of the device. This can be prevented as long as you always test your system. [...]
Myths of cloud-based disaster recovery: So what are the myths that stop organizations from pursuing cloud-based solutions? Mostly, organizations cite one or more of the following: Myth #1: CLOUD-BASED STORAGE AND CLOUD-BASED DISASTER RECOVERY ARE THE SAME: While both of these approaches take advantage of cloud technology, there is a key difference: cloud-based data storage [...]
In order to stand out and increase monthly recurring revenue, focus on the disaster recovery aspect of backup and disaster recovery. To fully capitalise on the advantages of disaster recovery testing, keep the following four best practices in mind. Test everything Technology alone won’t save businesses paralysed by an IT emergency. Disaster recovery testing should [...]
Coming back to the basics to refresh can help you both understand what cloud-based recovery is and help you to explain it to someone who is unfamiliar. Disaster recovery, through the cloud or otherwise, is an end-to-end, comprehensive process for minimizing interruptions caused by system failure due to any cause, from natural disasters to malicious [...]