Here are some areas of high risk in 2017. Will they see improvements in 2017? Away with Simple Passwords How many of your users have simple, common or outdated passwords? The recent DDoS attack that wreaked havoc on a huge portion of the internet on Oct. 21 was partly enabled by unchanged default passwords which [...]
You’ll remember from the previous post that there’s a critical difference between a backup plan and a comprehensive backup/disaster recovery plan. Unfortunately, too many businesses have gone under after making the mistake of thinking a backup plan is enough to get them through a disaster. Don’t let it be you and understand why merely backing [...]
All businesses need data backup systems. These are called ‘Data Backup Plans’ but did you know this is not the same thing as a ‘Backup/Disaster Recovery Plan’ (BDR)? Unfortunately, most people think they are. It’s critical for your business that you know – they are NOT the same. Here’s the difference: A Backup Plan is [...]
Before we discuss how to find strong referral partners, it’s important to know what a referral partner really is anyways. A true referral partner is someone who: you’ve communicated what referral partnership you’re both wanting. you’re on the same page with. you’ve trained using your training manuals and they’ve trained you on theirs. you’re calling [...]