Post written by adminjuncture
26 June 2018

For anyone or any business frequently working away from the home office, there are particular security and privacy concerns. Luckily, there are now a variety of tools, from webcam covers to encrypted flash drives that can raise the bar on security. Check the market for tools and gadgets that… Lock the laptop – Today you [...]

Post written by adminjuncture
19 June 2018

Different individuals or businesses call for varying needs but if you’re still wondering if using the cloud is your best backup option, these are the top 6 reasons. Anywhere Access Most people can’t go anywhere without their mobile. And with today’s 4G technologies, we’re accustomed to having access to any information whenever we want. So [...]

Post written by adminjuncture
12 June 2018

Are you prepared? Here’s how to write a disaster recovery plan using these step-by-step instructions. These instructions detail the elements in a Disaster Recovery plan in the sequence defined by ISO 27031 and ISO 24762. ISO/IEC 27031, the global standard for IT disaster recovery, states, “Strategies should define the approaches to implement the required resilience [...]

Post written by adminjuncture
5 June 2018

The cloud is often overlooked for groups working with highly-regulated and sensitive data, but the reality is that it can provide enormous gains in terms of efficiency, productivity and security. Audit engagements may not be the most exciting topic to talk about but the reality is that audit practices rely on an outdated, on-premise solution [...]