What would happen if some of your employees or colleagues lost their laptops? What would your organisation’s backup and recovery processes look like? Would you get the data back? What would the impact be? How long would the organisation be down? Or would everything be up and running again within hours?
Some studies suggest that nearly 30% of people have never backed up their data! This is such a high and unavoidable risk, and with ransomware risks constantly on the rise, this is an astonishing statistic of individuals and businesses opening themselves up to risk.
Today, there’s an abundance of software that makes it easier to back up data to the cloud or to an on-premise data centre. No longer does an administrator have to physically go around initiating backups – the process can now be automated using a slew of backup and recovery tools. And it can even be outsourced.
Consider the case of a company that finally put a stop to inefficient, manual backups (they were using USB drives and recovery media). This company turned to a backup and recovery software to automate and manage its data management processes. While doing so, the company also moved data from over 1,000 employee devices to the cloud.
The result: data backup and restoration times were cut down drastically by up to 70%, enhancing awareness and visibility of data storage and improving the business’ ability to recover quickly and completely.
By moving to managed backup and security, this company was also able to back up data over a wide area network, particularly for data hosted on cloud-based systems.
Keep in mind that backup and recovery is only the first step. Organisations should also encrypt their data to make any stolen or lost data unreadable and unusable. Following best practice, backups should also be tested on a regularly basis, and scanned for vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malevolent hackers.