When it comes to backing up and protecting your company’s critical data, you need to know for certain – without any lingering doubts – that you could recover your files and be back up and running again fast after a natural disaster, server crash, hacker attack or other data-erasing event. Yet, most business owners don’t [...]
Why move to the cloud? There are plenty of good reasons, but mainly it makes good business sense. You can call it efficiency, or call it doing more with less. But whichever spin you prefer, cloud computing lets you focus on what’s important: your business. The time for the traditional dedicated server has passed. New [...]
Sending email using a cloud based server has numerous benefits for growing businesses, saving you time and streamlining your costs. If you are still managing your own custom email systems in-house and are considering making the switch, consider the following benefits that outsourcing your transactional email to cloud servers can provide. Lower Cost. Outsourcing your [...]
Google Plus is a key tool every business should use. If you’re not using Google Plus for business, you’re missing out on drawing millions of eyes to your site. Raise awareness of your brand and start using Google Plus to grow your business. Here are some of the ways it can help boost your business. [...]