Onsite storage usually entails storing important data on a periodic basis on local storage devices, such as hard drives, DVDs, magnetic tapes, or CD’s. Offsite storage requires storing important data on a remote server, usually via the Internet, although it can also be done via direct access.

Onsite storage has some advantages over offsite storage. First, you have immediate access to data. Next, it is relatively less expensive to maintain it. Lastly, you can access your data anytime you are in the office, because Internet access not needed.

However, there are some disadvantages which are not to be scoffed at. Because onsite storage is in your office, your data is exposed to all the risks all other equipment are prone to. Here are some of the risks worth thinking about.

Data can be destroyed in one fell sweep

Onsite storage has one distinct disadvantage over offsite storage. In the event of a catastrophic event, onsite data storage can be destroyed. For example, if there is a fire in the building, or a water main bursts, the onsite servers can lose all the data that has been collected on them.

Onsite servers can easily be stolen

Onsite storage units can also be stolen, resulting in a loss of time, money, and data. When a thief decides to break into your office and cart away your laptops, your cash registers, your computers, then the likelihood of them stealing your servers is more than likely. And when they are taken, then gone are your data stored in them too. Just imagine – without your current equipment, would you easily be able to rebuild your database, your precious information, your confidential online documents and contracts? If the answer is no, then you know you are facing a ton of problems which results from the trouble one lone thief can bring.

Human error

Perhaps one of the more likely risks to having your own server is the human factor. One wrong tap on that “enter” or “delete” key, and there goes all your precious data. As the saying goes, “We are all human – prone to make mistakes.” The danger of human error is the single most probable destructive force which could wipe out years of work, loads of effort, time and money. Your employees are prone to mistakes – and so are you, as business owner.

If you opt to store your data in an offsite server, the wrong doing of one lone person cannot cause as much damage. You have various levels of security to go through, before you can wipe out a business’ entire database.