Ranging from cyber security to IT preservation and energy conservation, all businesses can use several tips to make their internet set-up more efficient for their business.

Here are some IT tips.

Update Systems

Protect sensitive business information by updating your systems regularly. Cyber-attackers are really smart folks. The hard truth is, as soon as you have updated your anti-virus software, web browser and operating systems, the cyber-criminals are already devising new methods to steal your information.  To protect your business, you need to make sure you’re regularly updating everything. This should be a priority, not something that falls to the bottom of your “to-do” list.

Turn Off and Unplug your Computers

The easiest way to reduce energy consumed by IT equipment is to switch it off. Turn off computers at night and configure PC power management utilities to shut down monitors and hard drives when they haven’t been used for a few minutes.

Even during the day, turn off peripherals such as printers and fax machines when no one is using them — which in many offices is most of the time. One radical suggestion: turn off your computer for a few hours every day. It saves power, but might also give you more time to think about your business and interact with employees and customers.

Perform Regular Backups

Even when you do everything right, there is still a risk of becoming the victim of a cyber-attack. Make backup copies of all important business data such as financial information, word documents, and electronic copies of legal documents, databases and customer account information. If possible set your systems to back-up automatically, and if not make it a process to do it at least once a week.

Limit Employee Access

Not everyone on your team needs access to the same information so limit your critical data access to those who truly need it to do their jobs. Require employees to have unique passwords that are changed at least every 90 days.  And don’t allow any employee to install a software program without your permission.

Protect your Computers(and your entire business) with Surge Protectors

When your entire business relies on your computers, then you must ensure that you have the best devices to protect them from breaking down. Make sure you protect your computer with a surge protector to prevent frying your hard drive. Also, during storms, unplug the computer as an additional precaution. It just takes one hot surge shot, and you’re going computer shopping again.

Remember, all it takes is one (hot) shot, and all your data (and related customers) fo down the drain.