If you have your PC, wireless routers or other expensive electronics plugged directly into a power outlet, then we might as well warn you that you shouldn’t. You should plug your gadgets into a surge protector, which isn’t necessarily the same thing as a power strip.

We all might forget about surge protection because everything seems to be going fine, but it only takes one power surge or spike and your expensive computer could become useless.

Below are 5 of the best reasons why you MUST use a surge protector for your computer.

Protects electronics and small appliances like your computer from power surges

Even if you only have a single gadget plugged into a surge protector, using one is still worthwhile if it protects an expensive computer or laptop from failure due to a power fluctuation. Surge protectors are designed to turn off, flip circuit breakers or die in place of your expensive electronics in case of a surge. Whether a surge protector dies or not after a power surge depends on the surge’s severity.

Protects your office or home from electrical fires

Electrical fires can start when a piece of equipment malfunctions and starts drawing more power than usual. A surge protector will flip its internal breaker long before the circuit breaker in your garage or basement flips, preventing potential electrical fires before they start. A surge protector is far cheaper than your insurance deductible, and it can help protect your precious documents and files which are stored in your computer’s hard drive that are irreplaceable at any price.

It’s an easy and safe way to turn off your computer and all other peripherals

In case you need to leave and turn off your workstation asap, a surge protector makes it extremely easy to turn off your routers, modems, monitors, printers, routers and other electronics when you go. In fact, when your entire set-up is plugged onto a surge protector, it not only saves you a little cash in electricity while you are gone, it also protects your equipment even better than when these various small electronics are individually plugged into wall sockets.

Because lightning can wipe out all your data

If you live in an area that often experiences lightning storms, then make sure you have the best surge protector for your computer. Why, because a single bolt of lightning, when determined to scald the pants out of everyone, can push an unusually huge amount of electricity through those little wires connected to your computer. It’s like a fire truck hose pumping water through your showerhead. If and when all those volts make its way through your cables, everything will be fried – similar to plugging your 110 volt appliance into a 220 volt socket. Bam! And all your data says goodbye.

Adjusts voltage in case of low voltage too

Not only do surge protectors protect huge amounts of electricity from destroying your computer – it also will make sure that your equipment is given its required “allowance” of electricity in order for it to run well. When voltage is low, your computer feels like a car running on mere fumes – it will move but it will not be performing to the best of its capacity. Slow computer = inefficient computer = waste of precious time.